لتوفير فرص عمل للشباب في المناطق المتضررة الهلال الأحمر العراقي ينفذ ميدانياً مشروع سبل العيش في نينوى

To provide young people in impacted areas employment opportunities In Nineveh, the livelihoods project is carried out by the Iraqi Red Crescent Society.

Report / Hassan Hamza One of the major initiatives carried out by the Iraqi Red Crescent Society in collaboration with ...

الهلال الأحمر العراقي يقدم خدمات صحية وتوعوية للزائرين لأحياء ذكرى وفاة الرسول (ص) في النجف

To honour the Prophet’s (PBUH) death anniversary in Najaf, the Iraqi Red Crescent offers health and awareness services to visitors.

As part of the yearly celebration of the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) death anniversary in Najaf, the Iraqi Red Crescent's medical ...

بمشاركة اكثر من 2000 متطوع ومسعف الهلال الأحمر العراقي يستنفر طاقاتة البشرية والالية استعدادا لزيارة الاربعين

The Iraqi Red Crescent has mobilised around 2000 volunteers and paramedics to prepare for the Arbaeen visit.

Baghdad: The Iraqi Red Crescent Society has mobilised all of its human and mechanical resources to provide emergency and medical ...

الهلال الأحمر العراقي ينشر مفارزه الطبية لخدمة زائري الاربعينية في المثنى

The Iraqi Red Crescent Society deploys medical detachments to service Arbaeen visitors in Muthanna.

The Iraqi Red Crescent Society has begun deploying fixed and mobile medical detachments along the Arbaeen road for Imam Hussein's ...

IRCS Photo Gallery

Humanitarian aid to the displaced families

Branchs activities