The Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS) implements a number of health activities and psychosocial support to the children of displaced families in Karbala and Diyala governorates in order to alleviate the suffering of displacement and to raise their morale. The cadre of IRCS/Karbala branch conducted an inspection visit for displaced children in the Al-Sajad school to provide them with psychosocial support through some meetings to urged them to study and succeed for making up what had missed due to the displacement that happened, IRCS also organized recreational competitions for the children and held draw events to express what touring in their minds as a result of the violence displacement impact and the continuing crisis of forced displacement, in which drawing books and colors distributed to the participants and beneficiaries (50) displaced children.
In the same context, IRCS/Diyala branch organized psychosocial support for displaced students in a first school at (Saad camp) for displaced people in Ba’gobah district, as the program included a number sporting events, activities and other competitions in order to spread the spirit of joy in the children and get them out of the atmosphere of emergency displacement which made an impact in them, the matter which but them in isolation from the reality of normal childhood and take them to state of injustice, oppression, fear, isolation and deprivation.
On the other hand, the cadre of Diyala branch organized a campaign to supervise and follow up the polio vaccine in collaboration with the Diyala Health Department in the districts of the governorate so as to immunize children less than five years of the disease. They also carried out First Aid workshop to the staff of Diyala Agriculture Department that included giving some lectures regarding the principles of First Aid and the definition of its importance to reduce the size of the injury before resorting to the nearest hospital in emergency cases like bleeding, burns, fractures, choking and how to transport the injured in which some posters about health awareness distributed to the participants while the number of beneficiaries were (40) employees
Iraqi Red Crescent Society Is an independent national humanitarian, society whose works to reduce the suffering of people without discrimination, in the time of peace and war, and during the natural and non- natural disasters. IRCS is one of the most effective societies within the International movement of the Red Crescent and Red Cross.
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