Due to the increase ofthe humanitarian needs in Iraq that came as a consequence of the crises in the country, compounded by COVID -19 short and long term impacts on the most vulnerable, the Iraqi Red Crescentthe (IRC)is working on strengthening its partnerships and increase its capabilities to meet the various humanitarian needs of local communities, with the support of different partners from the international movement and others.
The government of Japan provided approved its support to the humanitarian efforts of IRC, The Embassy provided IRC with a financial gsupportrantthrough tThe International Federation of red Cross and red Crescent (the IFRC)to develop the infrastructure of the Red Crescent Hospital and build additional units to accommodate more cases and provide emergency medical services. IRC is now able to purchasing medical equipment, as well as providing (2000) food packages that will be distributed to those directly affected by COVID-19. IRC will also be able to conduct a training for (60) women from five Iraqi governorates, and financesmall projects for the trainees.
The Iraqi Red Crescent appreciates the Embassy of Japan humanitarian initiative in Iraq. “This humanitarian initiative in Iraq is not the first one for the Japanese Embassy. The Embassy sponsored many initiatives before to support IRC activities and responded to the medical, health and relief needs,” said Dr. Yassin Ahmed Abbas, President of IRC. “We appreciate the Japanese government and people’s support, especially the Ambassador of Japan and the Embassy staff in Baghdad, for this distinguished humanitarian role that highlighted the efforts of IRC and supported its capabilities in responding to humanitarian needs,” added Dr. Yassin.
Dr. Muftah Etwilb, head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Delegation in Baghdad, expressed his appreciation for the amazing humanitarian efforts of the people of Japan in its fruitful cooperation with the IRC. “Such humanitarian partnership has a great impact on strengthening the hHumanitarian response capacity of the nationalsociety to be able to respond to the local communities’ needs. Such a step supports the resilience of the local community in facing various humanitarian crises. It also send a message of solidarity between various global societies to faceCovid-19 pandemic,” added Dr. Mufta
Iraqi Red Crescent Society Is an independent national humanitarian, society whose works to reduce the suffering of people without discrimination, in the time of peace and war, and during the natural and non- natural disasters. IRCS is one of the most effective societies within the International movement of the Red Crescent and Red Cross.
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