Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS) announced that it installed more than 100 tents and distributed more than 3,000 relief items to the displaced families in Algazgazanih and Asia camps in Dora area/Baghdad. The manager of Baghdad branch Mr.Nabil Naieef said “the IRCS’s teams in coordination with the Turkish Red Crescent have installed 110 tents in order to house displaced families in Algazgazanih and Asia camps, as (70) tents have been installed in Algazgazanih camp and other (40) tents have been installed in Asia camp, as well as distributed more than 3,000 relief material included some special needs for women and children”. He also said “Algazgazanih camp is divided into two groups of displaced families, the first group is displaced families from Anbar governorate (800 family) while the second group is displaced families from Salahuddin governorate (500 family). The situation of those families in the camp is very deteriorating, and we wish that there are more assistance in the near future from the Turkish Red Crescent”.
Mr. Naieef has confirmed that the recent heavy rains have caused the sinking of many tents the matter that forced IRCS’S teams to get intervention so that to help the families.
From other wise the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission of the House of Representatives Mr.Arshad praised the role of the (Iraqi Red Crescent Society) And its president through the responsibility for carrying humanitarian aid for displaced people in coordination with the (Turkish Red Crescent) to provide food and relief aid for displaced families in addition to that Mr.Arshad talk to Iraqi government to support them to help the needy people Mr.Arshad called for urgent relief to the formation of body in Iraq, as with Iran and Turkey to take over the crises that occur and take it upon themselves to coordination with local and international organizations to provide the necessary support for both humanitarian crisis taking place in the country.
Iraqi Red Crescent Society Is an independent national humanitarian, society whose works to reduce the suffering of people without discrimination, in the time of peace and war, and during the natural and non- natural disasters. IRCS is one of the most effective societies within the International movement of the Red Crescent and Red Cross.
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