The volunteers of the Iraqi Red Crescent have completed their humanitarian mission in Karbala after more than 15 days of work, beginning when the first steps towards Karbala were taken to commemorate the Arbaeeniya anniversary of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him).
The Iraqi Red Crescent has mobilized all of its human and material resources and utilized all of its financial and logistical resources to provide the best possible humanitarian services for more than twenty million pilgrims.
More than (2000) volunteers have worked around the clock in more than (100) fixed ambulance units distributed on the axes of Karbala and on all axes of external roads to provide the first aid services, and more than (50) mobile ambulance detachments were deployed in areas where it is difficult for ambulances to reach.
The IRCS’s medical teams have deployed (25) ambulances accompanied by trained paramedics to evacuate the sick and injured to medical centers, in addition to (8) mobile medical clinics that provided primary health care services for the pilgrims.
The health services were accompanied by psychosocial support services and health awareness for the pilgrims, beginning at the border crossings with neighboring countries and passing along the roads leading to Karbala, nearly four million pilgrims benefited from these services.
The services provided by the IRCS teams included ambulance, medical, therapeutic, and a variety of other services, six centers were established to guide the lost and missing to return them to their families or groups, and the number of beneficiaries exceeded 60,000 people, also the service cars also contributed to transport more than fifty thousand visitors, and the trucks supplied more than two million liters of potable water to the workers serving the pilgrims, as the amount of water provided exceeded 2 million liters.
The IRCS commends the security services and local institutions in Karbala governorate for their assistance in ensuring the smooth operation of the IRCS teams and the movement of their wheels during the provision of services to the pilgrims of Imam Hussein’s Arbaeen (peace be upon him).
Iraqi Red Crescent Society Is an independent national humanitarian, society whose works to reduce the suffering of people without discrimination, in the time of peace and war, and during the natural and non- natural disasters. IRCS is one of the most effective societies within the International movement of the Red Crescent and Red Cross.
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