The volunteers in this branch are (200) and it’s staff are (64) they divided as follows
Branch Headquarters
- Staff (23)
- Drivers (5)
- services worker (3)
- Maintenance workers (2)
Ali Al-garbie office :.
- staff (3)
- gardes (2)
Al-majar al-kabeer office:.
- staff (5)
- service workers (1)
- Guardes (4)
The Iraqi Red Crescent branch in Maisan, implemented a leg number of achievements like;.
- Food items distribution
- Promotion of prisoners transactions and Central Tracing and to deliver messages from detainees to their families and vice versa
The Activities of Health Department include: –
- Healthy child program
- First aid courses
- Health awareness and health monitoring campaigns
- The dissemination lectures regarding the international humanitarian law
- war remnants
- Installing warning signs
- Production film (remnants of war) to aware from the mine risk
- Did a survey for the displaced families for the year 2005-2006
- Visiting the hospitals especially Leprosy hospital
- Holding a lectures to aware from earthquakes and took a preparedness, and to have a logistic procedures in the areas that threatened by earthquake.
- Visiting the Governmental Directories and implementing educational lectures in Red Crescent working.